Idaho Firewise Events
Principles & Practices
WUI Culture
Idaho Firewise will be hosting a Garden Open House event on Saturday, May 4th, 2024 from 10 am to 2 pm. Join us for this free event to kick-off Wildfire Awareness Month! Did you know that May 4th is also Wildfire Preparedness Day? Learn how to protect your home from wildfire by visiting the Idaho…
Read MoreIdaho Firewise, in partnership with the Boise Fire Department and CWI Horticulture Technology, offers a certificate of completion course for professionals in the green industry. This course covers fire science topics such as why homes are at risk, best practices on home hardening, firewise landscaping, and how communities can become fire adapted. The Every Yard…
Read MoreIdaho Firewise will be hosting a Garden Open House event on Saturday, June 3rd, 2023! This free event will be held at the Idaho Firewise Garden in Boise from 10 am until 2 pm. Staff, volunteers, and collaborators will be available for visitor engagement and to answer questions about fire-resistant landscaping, home hardening, and suggested…
Read MoreDid you know that green industry folks in Idaho can become Idaho Firewise Landscape Certified? Our Every Yard Counts campaign is a collaboration between Idaho Firewise, the College of Western Idaho Horticulture, and the Boise Fire Department on best practices for increased fire-resilient homes, landscapes, and communities. This certification course covers fire science topics such…
Read MoreJoin us for a Lunch and Learn virtual talk with Martha Brabec on Wed 5/25 to learn about the City of Boise Weed Warriors Program and how it relates to wildfire risk and mitigation efforts. Martha Brabec, Foothills Restoration Specialist and Ecologist with the City of BoiseWednesday, May 25th, 202211:00 AM Pacific Time/12:00 PM Mountain…
Read MoreJoin us for a Lunch and Learn virtual talk on 5/18 to learn about the impacts of smoke inhalation on livestock. Amy Skibiel, Ph.D.Assistant ProfessorUniversity of Idaho College of Agricultural and Life SciencesDepartment of Animal, Veterinary and Food Sciences May 18th, 2022, 11:00 AM Pacific Time (or 12:00 Mountain Time) To register for this virtual…
Read MorePlease join Idaho Firewise for a kick-off event to Wildfire Awareness Month (May) by visiting our main demonstration garden in Boise on Saturday, 4/30. We will have staff, volunteers, and collaborators available for the public to talk about fire-resilience, home hardening, and firewise landscaping. Idaho Firewise Garden Open HouseOld Penitentiary Rd, Boise, 83712Saturday, April 30th,…
Read MoreIdaho Firewise presents a Lunch n’ Learn Virtual Talk with Brett Van Paepeghem, South Idaho Project Manager with Idaho Firewise. Brett will discuss how to mitigate the risk of wildfire to your home and property by utilizing firewise principles. Brett will also highlight specific fire-resistant plants that work well for Idaho. Tuesday, July 6, 2021…
Read MoreBring your limbs/branches to this free chipping event brought to you by Idaho Firewise and the Idaho Department of Lands. Chipper Location: Idaho Department of Lands1806 Main AveSt. Maries, ID 83861 Saturday & Sunday, June 26-27, 202110 am – 4 pm
Read MoreThe City of Boise and partners have collaborated to create the Firewise Gardening Incentive Program which educates and encourages WUI residents to be mindful of flammable plant material surrounding their home. Participants of the program will be eligible for a free plant from either Idaho Firewise or Draggin’ Wing High Desert Nursery! How to qualify…
Read MoreContact Us
Ivy Dickinson, Executive Director
210 E 7th St. Moscow, ID 83843
phone/fax: 208-310-7472
EIN 27-2535008