
Fire Resistant Homes

Home Evaluations

Fire and land management agencies cannot help prevent wildfire disasters without homeowner participation. In order to make changes that will allow your structure to withstand the brunt of a wildfire, without the assistance of firefighters or fire equipment, you can begin by doing a home wildfire evaluation.

You can evaluate your home and outbuildings yourself by using standard guides and forms for home evaluations in Idaho. Standard forms evaluate two main areas of concern for structures in the wildland/urban interface:

  • the ignitability of your home when exposed to radiant heat, convection, or firebrands and embers; and
  • Contact your local County Emergency Services or Fire Department to see if they offer home wildfire evaluations in your area.

    Contact your local County Emergency Services or Fire Department to see if they offer home wildfire evaluations in your area.

    structural hazards, including the location and design of your home and other structures, as well as vegetative fuel hazards and other considerations.

If you are not comfortable or unable to do your own home wildfire evaluation, several Idaho counties and rural fire departments conduct home evaluations in high-risk areas. To find out if your county or local fire department provides this service for homeowners, contact your local emergency management office, fire protection district coordinator, or fire chief.

Home wildfire evaluation forms for homeowners

Home wildfire evaluation forms for fire and natural resource professionals

Contact Us

Ivy Dickinson, Executive Director

phone/fax: 208-310-7472
toll free: 888-285-5889

Our Partners

Bureau of Land Management Idaho Department of Lands Idaho Fire Chiefs Association Idaho Office of Emergency Services Idaho Project Learning TreeIdaho Parks and Recreation   University of Idaho Extension Forestry  USDA Forest Service