Volunteer Opportunities
Principles & Practices
WUI Culture
Are you interested in volunteering with Idaho Firewise?
Your time and enthusiasm provides support to staff and to our mission of working collaboratively with educational institutions, other non-profits, and local and regional fire agencies. Whether you are looking for a one-time volunteer opportunity or a short- or long-term commitment, Idaho Firewise is happy to work with you on your volunteerism!
- Garden Volunteer
- Fuels Reduction Volunteer
- Education & Events Volunteer
Here are examples of ways that volunteers support Idaho Firewise:
Garden volunteer - garden location site(s) can be determined based on interest level and gardening experience. Typical gardening tasks include weeding, raking, planting, deadheading, light pruning, and assisting with basic operations. Depending on interest level or experience and familiarity with the garden sites, volunteers may also provide garden tours to visitors. A complete list of our garden sites can be found here: Demonstration Gardens & Collaborative Projects.
Fuels reduction volunteer - whether it's spring or fall clean-up, or working in our foothill restoration area at the homesite garden in Boise, these are more physically demanding opportunities for interested individuals or groups, and may include pruning, shrub reduction or removal, or line-trimming fuels/vegetation.
Education and events volunteer - engaging with the public, handing out Idaho Firewise brochures and other fire-safety related materials (e.g. Boise Flower & Garden Show, Wildfire Awareness Month events in May, Smokey Bear’s birthday in August).