In 2019, 87% of wildfires
were caused by humans.
In 2019, 87% of wildfires
were caused by humans.

How can I make sure my summer doesn’t go up in smoke?
Prevent Human-Caused Wildfires
Taking Action.
What can I do?
Learn how to make your home and landscape less vulnerable to ignition from a wildfire.
Develop an evacuation plan to ensure the safety of you, your family and your pets and livestock.
Discover how you can prevent wildfires and learn more about fire ecology, fire-based ecosystems and how wildfires are managed.

How do I achieve Wildfire Ready Communities?
Gather resources.
Create a board or committee of volunteers to represent your community.
Create a plan.
The board or committee will collaborate with their local wildfire expert to complete a community wildfire risk assessment.
Execute the plan.
Each year, neighbors complete educational and risk reduction actions identified in the plan. These go towards your site's annual reporting efforts.
Report your activity.
Get the detailed steps and application process.

Support Idaho Firewise.